Thank you for your interest in Universal Chinese School – a division of Universal Advance Academy. Please take the time to carefully read through code of conduct (upon registration completion) and our Admissions Procedures found below.
Our Standards of Business Conduct help us build trust 营造信任
Discipline in private schools generally begins with a code of conduct. We achieve more when we apply our culture and values to build and preserve trust with our students, parents, teachers, school board and administrative staffs. It becomes part of the contract between student, parents and the school which governs student attendance at the school.
Applications for Admission 申请入学
The application does not constitute registration for some campus and grades. The following selection procedure will apply to all the applications. If there are more applicants than placement spaces, applicants that have a sibling who is currently attending the program and will continue attending the program next year will be enrolled first. Names of all other applicants will be entered on a first-come, first-served basis for remaining spaces. Students that cannot be accommodated will be placed on a wait list in the order on the date we received the application.
The school administration will inform Parents/Guardians and to confirm your children’s placement. Parents who might be away when contact is made, should include alternate telephone numbers on their application form. Anyone moving is responsible for ensuring their new address and telephone number are provided to the school.
Class Size 班级人数
Smaller class sizes enable teachers to spend less time on classroom management, and more time on preparation and instruction, while students remain on-task and engaged. They also allow for more one-on-one engagement between teacher and student, providing the opportunity to meet students’ individual needs.
What we know about smaller class sizes. We offer the same or better standard to our Students in compare to the BC Ministry class size regulations. Learn more research this District Class Size and Composition 2018. (e.g. Public schools 2017-18 school year, the limits for primary classes are 20 students for Kindergarten and 22 students for Grades 1 to 3.)
Tuition & How to Pay 学费与付费方式
Here is some basic information to help you get started. Good planning lets you focus on your success rather than your finances.
- Each School Year is divided into two terms. One payment per term;
- A small amount of Registration Fee (1st Term Fall) or Re-enrolment Fee (2nd Term Spring) per student is NOT included with your tuition & fees which due upon acceptance to UAA/UCS. (NON-REFUNDABLE)
- Tuition & Fees may different per each campus or location
- Specialized and add-on classes are available to our main track courses. e.g. “Writing enhancement”, “Fun Series” and “Bi-weekly add-on” courses. These payment schedule may have alternative approaches when appropriate.
- 每个学年, 分两个学期。每学期付一次。
- 每位学生的注册费(第一学期秋季)或重新注册费(第二学期春季)不包含在学费中。接受注册后的学费和注册费不可退款。
- 学费和费用可能因每个校区或地点而异。
- 除了我们的主课程外,还提供专门或附加课程。例如”提高写作技能”、”趣味 系列”和”一周两次附加”课程。这些付款截止会采用其他时间表。
Open for Registration NOW!
“新学期”, 假期特殊课程(包括暑期、春寒假班),注册现在开始!
You have two options for registration. Here are the details:
Option 1: Please fill the “Quick Registration Form” online. The administration staffs will contact you asap. We accept Interac e-Transfer® at this time. If you did not receive our confirmation and payment info within 1-2 business days. please voice/text 604-787-9207 on your application status.
Option 2: Please download the PDF Registration Form for any NEW student, complete the form, then fill the form, mail us the copy at the following mailing address and attach with cheque payment. However, it will take at least 5-10 business day to process for your application of registration.
Universal Advance Academy
15280-101 Avenue, Suite 119
PO Box 55582
BC V3R 0J7
or In-person registration at our school front desk on school day. More payment options are available. Your availability will be given on a first-come, first-served basis incl. books & study material. As a result, it is definitely not a recommended method especially for school opening days.
选项 1:请在线填写”快速注册表“。行政人员将尽快与您联系。如果您在 1-2 个工作日内没有收到我们的确认和付款信息(我们目前仅接受 Interac e-Transfer®电子转账),请电话 604-787-9207。
选项 2:新生请下载PDF 申请注册表格,填表后请后邮寄至以下地址,并附上支票。这选项,至少需要 5-10 个工作日。
Universal Advance Academy
15280-101 Avenue, Suite 119
PO Box 55582
BC V3R 0J7
或者到学校前台上学当天进行现场登记。有更多付款方式。先到先得, 有时座位已满和学习材料不足(包括书籍的分发)将不可避免。这不是好的选项,尤其是新学期刚开始的时候。
Late payments are subject to a 5% penalty if due not paid by deadline proposed on each course’s own payment schedule. If a partial payment is made before the due date, only the amount outstanding after the due date will be subject to a penalty.
注:逾期付款如未按截止日期支付(每门课程有没有自己的付款截止日期),则需支付 5% 的罚款。如果在到期日之前进行部分付款,则只有到期日之后未付的金额将受到处罚。
How-To: Send money with Interac e-Transfer
How do you send money with Interac e-Transfer? You need your own:
- Account with a participating bank or credit union
- Active email address or mobile phone number
To send, follow the easy-to-use instructions on screen:
- Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account.
- Choose or add Universal Advance Academy’s dedicated email for eTransfter.
- Enter the amount and (no security question need as the Universal Advance Academy has registered for Interac e-Transfer® Autodeposit).
That’s all. You will use the reference number issued by bank for payment record. Please aware that no additional receipt will be issued.
- 登录在线或移动银行应用,并选择您的电子该转帐户
- 选择或添加Universal Advance Academy电子转账电邮
- 输入金额和(因为Universal Advance Academy采取Interac电子转账®的自动存款方式,没有设安全问题的需要。)