Courses and Calendars

Successful Mandarin learning compose of motivated learners and experienced and patient native instructors. With relevant academic and cultural training, we establish a relaxed yet rigorous learning environment suited to the needs of all level learners.

秋季从9月初到1月中旬。春季从1月初到6月中旬。在 11 月和4 月,设有期中考试。

寒假春假和暑期会安排特色课程 。如趣味拼音 ,儿童初级阅读 , 看图写话基础写作班 。


Our school year generally runs from early September to mid or late June of the following year. We operate a two-term school year. Autumn term runs from early September to mid January (half term falls in late October). Spring Term runs from early January to mid June (half term falls in early April). At the end of each half term, in October, April, there is a mid-term exam for all grades exception may apply.

The summer holiday begins in the middle of Jun. In the month of July and August, we offers youth Summer Camp in China and immerse yourself in Chinese language and culture, whilst making new friends from all over the world. Under the supervision of our staff, students will improve their Mandarin, take part in cultural activities, and explore various places a safe environment.

多种课程 Courses and Tracks

There are two different tracks you can choose.

海外青少儿中文课 Standard Mandarin Track for Age 5 to 17+

We offer Standard Mandarin courses from K,level 1 to 12 age 5 to 17+ with Mandarin, Cantonese or English speaking family. All students will be assessed and assigned to appropriate classes. The weekly in-person and online classes are available at multi-campus and date/time with different schedules. Staffing with experienced and qualified teachers, we choose textbooks written specifically for students use Chinese as a second language in accordance to the British Columbia School Board curriculum. We teach simplified Chinese Characters and use Traditional Chinese Characters for reference purposes only.

The School offers challenge examination tutorials, special classes such as PINTYIN and OnDemand Ramp-Up program as selective options to your needs range from 3 to 9 months period.

环球中文学校招收五岁以上从幼儿园至十二年级的学生,按照个人程度分班。老师都富有丰富的教学经验和爱心。紧密贴合BC省认可的教学大纲。本校一至十二年级使用暨南大学为海外华人子弟编写的《中文》,使用汉语拼音及采用简体教学为主,简繁体对照,使在加拿大出生的学生易于学习。同时开办各种特殊课程包括“加速课程”(OnDemand Ramp-Up program 约三至九月左右)。

海外中学生和成年中文课 Non-Mandarin Native Speaker Track for Age 15+ to Adult

Dedicated track of Mandarin Chinese courses for English-speakers. Age above 12+ Once or twice a week on weekday Real-Time, flexible schedule GoChinese!听说读写 365 Days customized courses. Typically each level Starts in Fall per individual or per group preference.

The entire series of “Learn Chinese with Me 跟我学汉语” can meet the needs of teaching Chinese to middle school students in English-speaking families.


Locations, Online and Schedule


There are six (5) campuses in total. The main schools are in Fleetwood Surrey open every Saturday morning and afternoon. Other campuses are located in Langley City, Fraser Heights, and White Rock/South Surrey.  We open every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. In addition, we offer innovative online classes which available on every Saturday and Thursday.

環球中文學校共有五個校區,總校在素里市Fleetwood,每週上下午六開課。 另四个分校分別位於臺灣村,白石南素里和蘭里,分別每週二、週三及週四上課。另外環球也设有新型网课,时间按排在週六和週四。

Surrey Fleetwood Main Campus 素里总校 (K至十二年级)

16065 – 88 Avenue, Surrey(St. Matthew’s Elementary School)
Offline classes: 9:45 AM – 12:00 PM (Saturday), 面课时间: 星期六 上午9:45 – 12:00
Offline classes: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Saturday), 面课时间: 星期六 下午2:00 – 4:00
2024-25 School Year, Term 2024 Fall & Term 2025 Spring – School Calendar 

兰里校区 Langley Campus  

20686 84 Ave, Langley City(Yorkson Creek Middle School)
Offline classes: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Thursday), 面课时间: 星期四 下午6:00 – 8:00
2024-25 School Year, Term 2024 Fall & Term 2025 Spring – School Calendar 

网课 Virtual Campus  

Online classes: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM (Saturday), 网课时间: 星期六 上午9:30 – 11:30
Online classes: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Thursday), 网课时间: 星期四 下午6:00 – 8:00
2024-25 School Year, Term 2024 Fall & Term 2025 Spring – School Calendar 

White Rock – South Surrey Campus 白石南素里

1785 148 St, Surrey(Semiahmoo Secondary School)
Offline classes : 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Wednesday), 面课时间: 星期三 下午4:00 – 6:00
2024-25 School Year, Term 2024 Fall & Term 2025 Spring – School Calendar 

线上特殊课程 Special Online Courses

The purpose of the series is to address the special needs various topics below. Please contact us for more details.

“Children Primary Reading 儿童初级阅读”

Leveled reading uses various assessment tools to determine how well your child reads, and then matches them to books that are challenging enough for them to make progress. Throughout the course, teacher will gradually move your child step by step into guided instruction along the way. 


“Creative Writing for Children 看图写字基础写作班”


“Intro to Calligraphy, Chinese Painting & Poetry 书法国画(诗词)入门”


“Fun Pinyin 趣味拼音”

Fun Series Courses 趣味系列之一

An online course known as “Fun Pinyin 趣味拼音” will be your choice for additional effects and make significant change in your mandarin pronunciation. The course is not substitute to any offline classroom but an important area especially of the language for who do not speak mandarin at home on daily basis. Pronunciation – “Pinyin” is an integral component of overcall Mandarin listening and speaking skills in addition to reading and writing.

环球中文学校在线课程“Fun Pinyin趣味拼音”是帮助孩子标准普通话发音的课程,知识性趣味性相结合让孩子喜欢并很快提高。该课程不能替代任何平日中文课程,但它是一个重要的环节,特别是对不说普通话的家庭。除了阅读和写作之外,拼音的正确发音及掌握四个声调是普通话口语的重要组成部分。

“Mastering Stroke & Mnemonics Chinese Characters 活用笔画,巧记汉字”

Fun Series Courses 趣味系列之二

The special online course “Mastering Stroke & Mnemonics Chinese Characters 活用笔画,巧记汉字” is now available. It is the new member to our Fun Series Courses introduced recently. The Course is also not substitute to any offline class but a unique approach to provide methodology to recognize and to memorize Chinese Characters for vocabulary building. Chinese characters are the system of symbols used to write Chinese. Let students no longer writing Chinese characters as an obstacle, but become an interest in learning.

在线课程称为Fun Series 趣味系列“活用笔画,巧记汉字”是帮助孩子认识汉字结构,从偏旁字形入手,趣味性引导。利用思维导图,启发思考,联想记忆。加强对汉字的认知和理解,来达到记住汉字书写的目的。让同学不再把汉字书写成为障碍,而变成学习的兴趣。流畅的书写在使用平板或手机汉字输入时,也可不再依赖只能由发音来选字的现象,增加偏旁部首的使用,达到全面掌握汉字的功效。

“Chinese Writing Class 中文写作班”

Advanced Series Courses 高级系列之一

We launch an Online Chinese Writing class to develop students’ writing skills and how to writing a good article. The teachers will demonstrate how to write a good composition of statement norms, correct rhetoric, clear logic, and true feelings. As we are in the New Media age, where children are good at writing, no matter what their future careers are, writing will be an important skill to master for their success in life.



“Business Mandarin Chinese Class 商务中文班”

Advanced Series Courses 高级系列之二

Advanced Conversation is a continuing class for adult students. They possess advanced proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking Chinese by maintain and improve their language skills in the structured program set up.

The ability to speak Mandarin Chinese is an unbeatable advantage for anyone looking to do business with Mandarin (Chinese Official Language). Communicating in functional Mandarin is achievable within a reasonable amount of time, and can have a critical impact on your own personal, or your business success.

Speaking Mandarin can break down barriers, improve relationships. It gives you a much more authentic experience with interacting with native Chinese speakers for business or for leisure. 

Online Intensive Add-on 加强版 (选项)

For students who register the 素里Fleetwood总校 (Saturday morning) & 里Cloverdale分校(Saturday afternoon), you can opt-in the “Online Intensive Add-on” for additional class time on Wednesday/Thursday 6:30 pm-7:30 pm (周三和四)after each lesson.

We offer online Intensive add-on for Selective Grades for our all Saturday programs. Here is the days of choosing “Sat programs of Main campus in Surrey & Langley First campus” with the add-on option. The Online Intensive Add-on focus on extending core teaching and learning time in schools.