
An integrated Chinese Language Institute for All Canadians

Founded in September 1991, Universal Chinese School has been in operation for 30+ years and is the largest Mandarin school in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. Universal Chinese School focuses on teaching Mandarin, Pinyin and Simplified Chinese Characters. The textbooks are published and written specifically for the oversea students to receive a formal and systematic education in Chinese language. We offer a dual-track program and provide all levels classes from Kindergarten (5+ years old), Grade 1 to Grade 12, provincial Challenge Test preparation, and Oral Conversation for adult. The courses provided are suitable for both Mandarin or non Mandarin speakers learning Chinese as the second language.

Mandarin (Chinese Official Language) is the most widely-spoken language, and is the native tongue of nearly a billion residents on earth. For centuries the most advanced empire on earth, China and its language have been shaping the fields of science, medicine, technology, and music since the early days of civilization. But you live now, in the present, and Chinese is as relevant now as it has ever been. With its economy is one of the world’s largest, students, employers, and professionals are flocking to classrooms to learn Mandarin.

We encourage our students to learn how to demonstrate respect for themselves and others, developing international-mindedness by working with others for a shared purpose and taking positive action for change. That is why our Mandarin school is actively involved in activities and events in the Chinese community as well as in larger society to promote the understanding of Chinese heritage and culture. It is our commitment to contribute to the cultural diversity in the Greater Vancouver and Lower Mainland in British Columbia, Canada. 

环球中文学校成立于1991年9月,至今已运作了30多年,是菲沙河谷地区最早最大的中文学校。 学校的老师都富有丰富的教学经验和爱心,使用最有效的教材及教法,配合BC省中文课程及中文挑战考试题材,采用简体字教学和繁体字对照,并使用世界通用的汉语拼音辅助—英文字母代表的拼音法,补充教材大多取自于日常生活,使在加拿大生长的学生,易于接受及学习,成效最高! 本校招收五岁以上从幼儿园至十二年级的学生,按照个人程度分班。 同时开办成人口语课程。提供作为第二语言中文课程,适合讲普通话或非普通话的人学习。

普通话(中文)是使用最广泛的语言,是地球上近十亿居民的母语。 自文明诞生以来就一直在各个领域包括哲学和文化,华语一直在地球上维持着东方文明及其影响力。 现在,中文与以往一样重要。 中国目前是第二大经济体,学生,雇主和专业人士正涌向教室学习普通话(中文)。

我们鼓励学生学习如何表现出对自己和他人的尊重,通过与他人合作以达到共同的目的并采取积极行动来改变自己,从而发展国际意识。 环球中文学校积极参与华人社区以及整个社会的活动,以增进对中国传统文化的理解,并为加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的大温哥华地区和低陆平原地区的文化多样性做出贡献。


環球中文學校成立於1991年9月,至今已運作了30多年,是菲沙河谷地區最早最大的中文學校。 學校的老師都富有豐富的教學經驗和愛心,使用最有效的教材及教法,配合BC省中文課程及中文挑戰考試題材,採用簡體字教學和繁體字對照,並使用世界通用的漢語拼音輔助—英文字母代表的拼音法,補充教材大多取自於日常生活,使在加拿大生長的學生,易於接受及學習,成效最高! 本校招收五歲以上從幼稚園至十二年級的學生,按照個人程度分班。 同時開辦成人口語課程。 提供作為第二語言中文課程,適合講普通話或非普通話的人學習。

普通話(中文)是使用最廣泛的語言,是地球上近十億居民的母語。 自文明誕生以來就一直在各個領域包括哲學和文化,華語一直在地球上維持著東方文明及其影響力。 現在,中文與以往一樣重要。 中國目前是第二大經濟體,學生,僱主和專業人士正湧向教室學習普通話(中文)。

我們鼓勵學生學習如何表現出對自己和他人的尊重,通過與他人合作以達到共同的目的並採取積極行動來改變自己,從而發展國際意識。 環球中文學校積极參與華人社區以及整個社會的活動,以增進對中國傳統文化的理解,併為加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的大溫哥華地區和低陸平原地區的文化多樣性做出貢獻。


Fleetwood总校区新增周六下午,地点 16065 – 88 Avenue, Surrey (St. Matthew’s Elementary School),时间 2:00 PM-4:00 PM (Saturday), 面课星期六下午2:00-4:00



💯8月17日星期六–在兰里注册。时间 10:00-12:00pm
地点 77A Ave — 211 ST
Richard Bulpitt 小学后面的活动教室旁边的儿童游乐场附近。

💯8月17日星期六–在Cloverdale注册。时间 12:00-3:00pm
地点 18939 60B Ave
East View Park 公园

💯8月18日星期日–在白石注册。时间 2:00-4:00pm 地点1785 – 148 St, Semiahmoo 中学停车场。

💯8月24日星期六–在台湾村注册。时间1:00-4:00pm,地点:在15920 — 110 Ave Erma Stephenson Park 喷水池附近。

💯8月25日星期日–在素里Fleetwood Park 注册。时间3:00-5:00pm,地点:80Ave夹158 St 停车场/喷水池附近。


More details are available >>


2024 – 2025 学年, 分两个学期。我校新学年注册现在开始, 新生必须填写入学申请。由学校行政部门确认报名申请接受付款后,才完成注册。

2-Steps for New Student Registration

Our School Year is divided into two (2) terms. Open for registration NOW. Please read our school registration policy and expectation statement before completing the application for admission for any NEW student. Registration will be confirmed by the school administration. Upon acceptance, then please complete the payment.

Go Chinese!

听说读写 365 days

Universal Chinese School is pleased to offer different track of Mandarin Chinese courses for English-speakers. Age above 15+ Every Monday and Wednesday Real-Time …


Special Courses



“朗诵培训(初级)” 春假课程计划从3月13日至20日共5次,上午10:30am-11:30am。 需要的同学请立刻报名!

环球中文学校在线课程“Fun Pinyin趣味拼音”是帮助孩子标准普通话发音的课程,知识性趣味性相结合让孩子喜欢并很快提高。该课程不能替代任何平日中文课程,但它是一个重要的环节,特别是对不说普通话的家庭。除了阅读和写作之外,拼音的正确发音及掌握四个声调是普通话口语的重要组成部分。


Campus and Schedule


To combine of internet technology with live virtual online class and tradition classroom is the answer to the 2024-2025 the first semester which start September 7, 2024 . We are closely observe the new development of all school districts, private schools’ implementation on how to leverage of both online and offline classes at our campus facilities in BC, Canada.

素里总校 Surrey Fleetwood Main Campus (K至十二年级)
16065 – 88 Avenue, Surrey (St. Matthew’s Elementary School)
Offline: 9:45 AM-12:00 PM (Saturday), 面课时间: 星期六 上午9:45-12:00
Online: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM (Saturday), 网课时间: 星期六 上午9:30-11:30

** NEW ** 新增素里总校下午 Fleetwood Campus
Offline: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM (Saturday), 面课时间: 星期六 下午2:00-4:00

兰里校区 Langley Campus
20686 84 Ave, Langley City (Yorkson Creek Middle School)
Offline: 6:00 PM-8:00 PM (Thursday), 面课时间: 星期四 下午6:00-8:00
Online: 6:00 PM-8:00 PM (Thursday), 网课时间: 星期四 下午6:00-8:00

白石南素里 White Rock – South Surrey Campus
1785 148 St, Surrey (Semiahmoo Secondary School)
4:00 PM-6:00 PM(Wednesday), 面课时间: 星期三 下午4:00-6:00

Program Sponsors 2024 赞助单位
公证HAIYAN(ANNA)WANG NOTARY CORP. Haiyan (Anna) Wang 604-838-8689
房贷 (Triple Gold Mortgages Corporation) Ruby 604-537-4927
房地产服务(乐房美家) 周太 778-689-5519
数/理/化/生, 英语多项课程 (Umel Academy) 709-341-7288 / 778-919-3806
刘中医 604-537-5691
专业移民服务 (冠桥商务咨询) Helen Wechat: 37944798
To our program generous sponsor: Thank You! We appreciate your support.

For more information on school registration (注册) and school calendar (校历), please click here 请点击注册详情。

If you have any question, please call (询问电话):
604-787-9207 and/or 604-782-9207 or Let our administration and students service representatives to contact you.